Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Wow! My First Blog Award!!

Mallory over at {6th Grade} All-Stars has given me my very first blog award (I knew I followed her for a reason ;))

The Libester Blog Award is a special award for blogs with less than 200 followers that deserve more recognition. There are a few rules and heeerrrreee they are.

1. Copy and paste the award on to your blog. 
2. Thank the giver and link back to them. 
3. Nominate five other bloggers and let them know by commenting on their blogs. 

Now for the blogs I'd like to nominate:

1. Becca Jayne @ 4th Grade For Sure: She has lots of super cute DIY ideas all with a woodland theme!

2. Cynthia @ All Things Teachery: A fellow Title I teacher who has a lot of fantastic ideas, linky parties, and give away information galore.

3. Andrea @ Cheers to School: Just like me Andrea is working her way through Grad School to become a teacher. I applaud her hardwork and her fabulous ideas in the classroom.

4. Ms. Kidd @ Hangin' Out in Third Grade: Awesome blog with different resources on Common Core for the intermediate grades, because let's face it, it's new to all of us new and veteran teachers.

5.  Mrs. K @ The Teacher Garden: As an upcoming first year teacher her tips on Literacy are FANTASTIC!!

Wow!! Thanks again Mallory!!


  1. Congrats on your award!

    I Love My Classroom

  2. Thanks for thinking of me, Amanda! :)
    ~Mrs. K. from The Teacher Garden Blog

  3. Thank you for thinking of me Amanda!

    You Rock!

    All Things Teachery

  4. Well, I think you deserve another award, the Versatile Blogger award. Feel free to head back to my blog and pick your's up. PS: Congratulations on the Leibster Blog Award! :)

    Jungle in Room 207
